Project Dispensary Losoito

In response to urgent appeals, particularly from women in the village, seeking medical support, we recognized a critical need, with the nearest dispensary located over 30 kilometers away, posing a significant risk in cases of urgent medical requirements. To address this, we successfully secured a donor and established a collaborative effort with the community, agreeing on local contributions encompassing equipment, staffing, and post-construction financial commitments.


The planning process involved active engagement with both the community and local authorities to ensure the dispensary’s design and services met the specific needs of the area. Following meticulous planning and execution, we are pleased to announce that in January 2024, the dispensary was officially handed over to the community. This achievement not only addresses the immediate healthcare needs of the villagers but also stands as a testament to the collaborative and sustainable approach we embrace in our mission to enhance the well-being of communities.

Project Certification

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We invite individuals and organizations to join hands in supporting our vision and mission for transformative change in the Kilimanjaro Region. Our vision is to create thriving communities through sustainable development in the sectors of health, education, and infrastructure.

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