Welcome to AKO Tanzania Community Support

Our organisation has been founded in 2021 and registered under Non Governmental Organisations Act, 2002. Our objective is to support development in communities in the Northern part of Tanzania. We are active in health, education and infrastructure.

We join donors with community and people in need and execute sustainable humanitarian projects

Our Projects

At AKO Tanzania Community Support, our Projects Division is dedicated to catalyzing positive change in the Northern Region through impactful initiatives in health, education, and infrastructure.

Dispensary Losoito

We addressed a critical medical risk by partnering with the community, securing a donor, and constructing a dispensary 30 kilometers closer, now successfully handed over in January 2024.

Kibosho Hospital Support

For over 30 years, Aktionskreis Ostafrika e.V. Bavaria supported Kibosho hospital; AKO TANZANIA COMMUNITY SUPPORT now continues the tradition, assisting in the development of specialized clinics.

Students Support - Kibosho Primary School

At Kibosho Primary School, students receive essential support through the provision of school uniforms and assistance with school fees.

Students Support - Uchau

We initiated a project, completing a kitchen and dining room construction and roof renovations. We are actively seeking donors for upcoming critical improvements.

Our Organization

Our commitment lies in the execution of sustainable initiatives that contribute to the well-being and progress of the Kilimanjaro region,

Explore our Board of Directors.

Volunteers House

Our guesthouse serves as a strategic hub for donors visiting the community, providing them with firsthand insights into the specific needs.


This facilitates a comprehensive understanding, allowing them to witness the progress achieved during their visit. Additionally, our guesthouse accommodates volunteers engaged in project-related activities, fostering collaboration and knowledge-sharing with local specialists.

Support our vision

We invite individuals and organizations to join hands in supporting our vision and mission for transformative change in the Northern Region. Our vision is to create thriving communities through sustainable development in the sectors of health, education, and infrastructure.

News & Updates

Explore firsthand accounts of our ongoing projects, success stories, and the positive changes unfolding in the Kilimanjaro Region.

Economic empowerment for Maasai women in Simanjiro

Humanitarian mission to Kibosho Hospital in the Kilimanjaro region

Annual Meeting – 2024

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