Kibosho Hospital Support

For over 30 years, Aktionskreis Ostafrika e.V. Bavaria, Germany, has been steadfastly supporting Kibosho Hospital. This legacy of commitment continues through AKO TANZANIA COMMUNITY SUPPORT. Our contributions span the development of specialized clinics, including eye and tooth clinics, from the ground up. German doctors have played a pivotal role, not only in training and supporting new medical professionals but also offering valuable guidance on adopting state-of-the-art equipment. As a result, these departments now stand among the region’s finest.


In 2019, we successfully completed the construction of a new building for the emergency unit, marking a significant milestone. Presently, our focus extends to the education and empowerment of medical staff, ensuring the continuous enhancement of healthcare services. Notably, in 2022, we undertook a crucial initiative to renew the power supply equipment, contributing to the hospital’s operational efficiency. These endeavors represent just a glimpse of our diverse range of activities aimed at fortifying the healthcare landscape and making lasting contributions to the well-being of the community.

Support our vision

We invite individuals and organizations to join hands in supporting our vision and mission for transformative change in the Kilimanjaro Region. Our vision is to create thriving communities through sustainable development in the sectors of health, education, and infrastructure.

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